In April there are so many possibilities. Green shoots and pink blossom and fresh sunshine all point to even more lovely things like Summer. But all this is really about probabilities.
Actually the possibilities are limited only by your imagination. If the possibilities you are dreaming up are positive – wonderful…
But what if… actually it’s NOT about positive things that you’re ‘what if ‘-ing? ‘What if ‘…. it’s about doom and disaster. ‘What if ‘…. actually you don’t feel that great ‘what if ‘-ing….
‘What if ‘… that tree falls over onto my car? Or me? ‘What if ‘… those flowers are poisonous and wipe out the rest of the bee population? ‘What if ‘ … all sorts of awful things happen…
That truly is a great way to create anxiety, stress and even panic.
However … a solution is at hand! From now on, whenever you ‘what if ‘ in a stressed or anxious way, stop for a moment and consider whether that ‘what if ‘ is a possibility or a probability. If it’s a probability do whatever you can at that moment to do whatever you need about it then put it safely aside. If it’s a possibility however – draw a big red X through it. Then do something different – get up and move, sing a song, read, talk to someone – it could be anything different from what you were doing.POSSIBILITIES DO NOT NEED ANY TIME OR ENERGY SPENT ON THEMTry it and let me know what happens.
“My panic attacks affected everything in my life and now I’m free and I feel I’ve got my life back. Thank you Suzanne”
“Now, quite simply, I’m happy! Thank you so much Suzanne”
“I know things will never be perfect but I want to say a huge thank you for helping me to accept that and feel ok with it”
“I’d gone in circles with losing and gaining weight. Suzanne, you helped me take response-ability, as you put it, and get in the driving seat of my life.”
“The journey I’ve been on with you has been profound and I now have a life worth living”
“I was in such a low spot after my divorce and I don’t know how I’d have done it without you Suzanne”
“Suzanne is incredible! She helped me turn my life around and would recommend her to anyone looking for change or support.”