Mr and Ms Manners

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Warning!!!  What you’re about to read may sound old fashioned, po-faced and corny.  It may not even sound that revolutionary or dramatic.  However – it’s pure magic and solid gold…  Ready??…

In relationships, politeness counts!


So often people mistake rudeness for intimacy.  Ignoring your partner, never saying please or thank you, taking them for granted in a way you never would would with anyone else is NOT a sign of closeness.  Being ABLE  to do these things and knowing they won’t leave you is NOT a reason to behave like this.  Actually these are great ways to drive distrust, misery and great gaps between you both.

Respect and politeness  grow trust, mutual confidance and real intimacy.

The two lynchpins of a good relationship are trust and respect.  So – say please and thank you.  Kiss your partner when they come in or go out.  Notice and compliment them.  And – that old chestnut of course – don’t go to bed angry.  Cherish her/him and treat them as you would like to be treated .  With respect.  With kindness.  With politeness.

Let me know what you think.

And have a wonderful Spring – 21st is the Spring equinox – celebrate with some Spring flowers.  And if you want to come to see me, you know where I am


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